Tretia slovenská družica mieri do vesmíru. Všetky informácie na jednom mieste.

Na tomto mieste môžete nájsť aktualizované informácie k štartu družice Veronika.

Aktualizácia: 11. 11. 2023, 16:30 SEČ, Odkazy na komentované živé prenosy

Základné informácie

Typ družice: 1U cubesat
Hmotnosť: 1010 g
Rozmery: 100 x 100 x 113.5 mm
Obežná dráha: 550km, SSO

Dátum štartu: 11. November 2023
Čas štartu: 19:49 CET
Miesto štartu: Vandenberg Space Force Base, California, USA
Nosná raketa: Falcon 9 Block 5, SpaceX, misia Transporter-9

Kontakt pre médiá: info(zavináč)sosa(bodka)sk

Popis misie

Veronika, prvá družica s osobným príbehom, je pomenovaná po dcére slovenského podnikateľa Borisa Procíka a vyniká svojou nápaditou ružovou farbou. Okrem toho, že predstavuje prvý „rodinný satelit“, otvára dvere pre vzdelávacie a popularizačné aktivity s cieľom zapojiť školy do skutočného vesmírneho bádania. Tento projekt podporuje Deutsche Schule Bratislava a PLANETUM – Hvězdárna a planetárium hl. m. Prahy. Dizajn, stavbu a operovanie družice zabezpečuje česko-slovenská firma Spacemanic.

Z technického hľadiska družica obsahuje dvojicu kamier na snímkovanie Zeme, dvojicu rádií pracujúcich v pásme UHF a VHF, anténny subsystém, napájací systém a solárne panely, palubný počítač, GNSS prijímač a unikátny systém na určenie a riadenie orientácie družice. Okrem vzdelávacích a popularizačných aktivít tak družica overí niekoľko nových technológií pre budúce vesmírne misie.

Parametre palubných kamier


  • low resolution (80×60 to 160×120) single frame raw images
  • high resolution (160×128 to 640×480) JPEG images
  • Weight ~6g.
  • Dimensions: 32mm x 32mm x 21mm (without lens, including header)
  • 116 deg FOV


  • Pixel size: 5.6um5.6um Image size: VGA(640480), QVGA(320240), QQVGA(160120)
  • Image sensor: CMOS 1/4 inch
  • CMOS Pixels: 30M
  • Module size: 20mm x 28mm
  • Weight: 3g
  • 60 deg FOV

Družica bude pracovať v rádioamatérskom pásme a rádioamatérom a ďalším záujemcom poskytne zaujímavé služby a aktivity. Koordináciu frekvencií zabezpečil Rádioklub Leteckej fakulty Technickej univerzity v Košiciach OM3KSI v spolupráci s Úradom pre reguláciu elektronických komunikácií a poštových služieb.

Tlačová správa

Logo misie

Živé prenosy

Komentovaný živý prenos PLANETUM a SPACEMANIC:
Oficiálny živý prenos SpaceX:
Živý prenos portálu Kosmonautix:


Informácie pre rádioamatérov

Basic information on VERONIKA satellite reception

  • Callsign: OM9VER
  • UHF Downlink frequency: 436.680 MHz +/- Doppler shift
  • VHF Downlink frequency: 145.925 MHz +/- Doppler shift
  • Modulation: GFSK, CW
  • Encoding: G3RUH 9k6 baud
  • Morse: 20 WPM
  • Protocols: AX.25, Morse
  • Transmitting power: 1W (30dBm)
  • Onboard antenna: Dipole
  • Antenna polarization: Linear

Orbital parameters / Preliminary TLE

Orbit: 550km SSO

1 00000U 23000AAA 23315.82191424 -.00000000  00000-0  00000-0 0 00004
2 00000  97.5435  28.4442 0005568 310.6386  27.8636 15.11899662000000

Message types

  1. AX.25 TRX beacon packet
  2. AX.25 OBC beacon packet
  3. AX.25 PSU beacon packet
  4. AX.25 Magnetometers beacon packet
  5. Solar beacon packet
  6. AX.25 message
  7. CW data beacon
  8. Ground Station communication

Note: Examples from EM satellite model.

The transmission period is following:

OBC/PSU/MGS, SOL AX.25 beacon every 90s (UHF)
TRX UHF AX.25 beacon every 90s
TRX UHF AX.25 message every 270s
TRX VHF AX.25 beacon every 90s
TRX UHF Morse beacon every 180s

There are offsets applied between transmissions.

Example of decoded AX.25 TRX beacon packets

Data in AX.25 TRX beacon packet values are comma-separated.

1:Fm OM9VER To CQ <UI R Pid=F0 Len=52> [10:44:13R] [AA] [+++++++]


  1. Beacon identification [U – UHF, V – VHF]
  2. Uptime since reset [s]
  3. Uptime total [s]
  4. Radio boot count
  5. RF segment reset count
  6. Radio MCU act. temperature [0.01°C]
  7. RF chip act. temperature [0.01°C]
  8. RF power amplifier act. temperature [0.01°C]
  9. Digipeater forwarded message count
  10. Last digipeater user sender’s callsign [ASCII, 6 spaces means nobody yet]
  11. RX data packets (AX25 with CRC matched, includes CSP and digipeater packets)
  12. TX data packets (includes CSP and digipeater packets)
  13. Actual RSSI, ((value / 2) – 134) [dBm]
  14. Value of RSSI when carrier detected – after preamble ((value / 2) – 134) [dBm]

Example of decoded AX.25 OBC beacon packet

OBC packet is a packet created by Eddie Onboard Computer including selected interesting values. Values are comma separated.

1:Fm OM9VER To CQ <UI R Pid=F0 Len=30> [10:44:47R] [AA] [+++++++]


  1. OBC – Packet identification
  2. rst – Boot count
  3. uptime – Uptime [s]
  4. uptimeTot – Total uptime [s]
  5. bat – Analog measured battery level [mV]
  6. tempMCU – MCU temperature [0.01°C]
  7. freemem – Remaining storage space

Example of decoded AX.25 PSU beacon packet

PSU packet is created by the OBC. Values are comma separated.

1:Fm OM9VER To CQ <UI R Pid=F0 Len=47> [10:44:37R] [AA] [+++++++]


  1. PSU – Packet identification
  2. rst – PSU reset number
  3. uptime – Current uptime since last reset [s]
  4. totalUptime – Total uptime cumulative [s]
  5. bat – Battery voltage [mV]
  6. tempSys – System temperature [0.01°C]
  7. tempBat – Battery temperature [0.01°C]
  8. curIn – Battery current in [mA]
  9. curOut– Battery current out [mA]
  10. chStat – Bit-Masked channel status *
  11. sysState – System state **
  12. gndWdt – Remaining ground watchdog timer [h]

* Bit 0 – Channel 0, 0/1 – Off/On (channels from 0 to 6)
** 1 – Okay, 2 – Power saving, 3 – Power critical

Example of decoded AX.25 MGS beacon packet

MGS payload packet is created by the OBC. Values are comma separated.

1:Fm OM9VER To CQ <UI R Pid=F0 Len=80> [10:44:27R] [AA] [+++++++]
  1. MGS – Packet identification
  2. tempIntMag – Internal magnetometer temperature [0.01°C]
  3. tempIntGyr – Internal gyroscope temperature [0.01°C]
  4. xIntMag – Internal magnetometer X axis value
  5. yIntMag – Internal magnetometer Y axis value
  6. zIntMag – Internal magnetometer Z axis value
  7. xIntGyr – Internal gyroscope X axis value
  8. yIntGyr – Internal gyroscope Y axis value
  9. zIntGyr – Internal gyroscope Z axis value
  10. tempExtMag – External magnetometer temperature [0.01°C]
  11. tempExtGyr – External gyroscope temperature [0.01°C]
  12. xExtMag – External magnetometer X axis value
  13. yExtMag – External magnetometer Y axis value
  14. zExtMag – External magnetometer Z axis value
  15. xExtGyr – External gyroscope X axis value
  16. yExtGyr – External gyroscope Y axis value
  17. zExtGyr – External gyroscope Z axis value

Example of decoded AX.25 SOL beacon packet

SOL payload packet is created by the OBC. Values are comma separated.

1:Fm OM9VER To CQ <UI R Pid=F0 Len=57> [10:44:17R] [AA] [+++++++]
  1. SOL – Packet identification
  2. tempZP – Temperature on Z+ panel [0.01°C]
  3. tempXP – Temperature on X+ panel [0.01°C]
  4. tempYP – Temperature on Y+ panel [0.01°C]
  5. tempZN – Temperature on Z- panel [0.01°C]
  6. tempXN – Temperature on X- panel [0.01°C]
  7. tempYN – Temperature on Y- panel [0.01°C]
  8. diodeZP – Photodiode measurement on Z+ panel [ADC value]
  9. diodeXP – Photodiode measurement on X+ panel [ADC value]
  10. diodeYP – Photodiode measurement on Y+ panel [ADC value]
  11. diodeZN – Photodiode measurement on Z- panel [ADC value]
  12. diodeXN – Photodiode measurement on X- panel [ADC value]
  13. diodeYN – Photodiode measurement on Y- panel [ADC value]

Example of decoded AX.25 message beacon packet

1:Fm OM9VER To CQ <UI R Pid=F0 Len=83> [02:32:33R] [AA] [+++++++]
VERONIKA AX.25 test message for radio amateurs: Hello Space!

Example of CW data beacon

Every CW beacon stars with "de om9ver = " and ends with "ar".

de om9ver = u5433r126t29p30 ar


  1. Total uptime [min]
  2. Reset number
  3. Temp MCU [°C]
  4. Temp Radio PA [°C]

u5433 = Uptime 5433 minute
r126 = 126 resets of radio
t29 = 29 degree of Celsius on DL radio MCU
p30 = 30 degree of Celsius on DL radio PA

MYCALL [Your callsign]
UNPROTO CQ (or callsign)